Thursday, April 5, 2012

A new kind of music discovered... electro swing!!

So...this is the first time I have written a blog entry since last summer, summer 2011.  I am definitely overdue, so here it is.  I have a genre of music on my mind, and that is electro swing! :-)  It is a combination of electronica/dance music, and swing music that was popular in the 1930s.  I first learned about it from my cousin, so I have to give him credit.  Upon reading about the genre in Wikipedia (of course), I learned that electro swing has its origins in the UK and is popular mainly in Europe.  Here's to hoping that the music becomes more popular here in the US!  The Wikipedia entry for electro swing music is as follows: .  So far, the leading artists in electro swing as written by Wikipedia - Caravan Palace and Parov Stelar - have sparked my interest.  Here is a YouTube video of a Caravan Palace mix: ... and, to not be excluded, here is a YouTube video of  a guy named TSC-Forsythe dancing to the song Catgroove by Parov Stelar: ... not only is the music great, but the guy's moves are anyone is interested in buying the music of Caravan Palace or Parov Stelar, I found MP3 albums of both artists at Amazon's MP3 website, for reasonable prices...check it out!

Thanks for reading...I hope you enjoyed this as a reader!


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